AP bio students take a trip to local bog

Every year for 30 years, students taking AP Bio got on a field trip to experience a learning environment outside of the typical environment. Not only do students go to enjoy the fun activities that have been planned for the trip, but to also learn about the environment around them.

“The bog is a unique ecosystem that most students have never experienced,” said AP Bio teacher Mr. Zack Cavalier. “Spruce Flats is the only bog in our area, and it contains many plant species that can’t be found elsewhere.”

The students went to Spruce Flats Bog in Somerset County last month.

“The bog was was very unstable, so when you stepped on it, you didn’t know what would come next,” said sophomore Erika Sherbondy. “Most of the time it was a struggle to walk and stay balanced. It was funny because nearly everyone at least fell once.”

Sophomore Abby Snyder said she enjoyed the trip.

“We might have fallen down a lot, but it was fun,” said Snyder, “It was a fun trip to take and a nice way to hang out with friends.”

The students also went to Beams Rock to learn about the evolution of the rock and the outcrop.

“We went to the rock which overlooked the trees that were changing color,” said Sherbondy, “Even though it was cold and wet, it was a fun time and I would go again.”

“We took so many cool pictures at the rock,” said Snyder, “The view was really nice and it was a very cool experience.”

“I hope the students appreciate the uniqueness of the bog and it’s elements,” said Mr. Cavalier, “I also want them to have a good time experiencing nature and learning. There is no substitute for learning about it all first hand.”

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