Remembering Brendan Walter

Almost six months have passed since we’ve lost one of our own, Brendan “B” Walter, of Tarrs. His memory does not cease to exist throughout the Southmoreland halls and community.

Brooke Cottom is a senior on the girls’ basketball team at Southmoreland. This year, she transitioned from wearing #20 for five years to wearing #5 in honor of the late Brendan “B” Walter.

Cottom “always knew” Walter through their years in school, but it was not until 2009 when their families became close as one family, according to Walter’s mother, Mrs. Debbi Walter.

“Brooke and “B” were inseparable, they even dated for a while,” said Walter.

Walter explained how she thinks of Cottom as her “own daughter” because of the close relationship between her and “B.”

“We were the best of friends two people could ever be,” said Cottom. “Our families have such a special bond that I believe is unbreakable.”

Cottom sincerely described her loss of “B” as “extremely tough.” She later on explained that the Walter family is what helps “keep a smile on her face” even through the worst of times without her dear friend.

“I have never met such a big family that is so caring and goes out of their way to help someone,” Cottom said.

Cottom explained how wearing #5 this season has “motivated” her to be able to stay in the game longer both mentally and physically.

“He was such an inspiring person that I can still feel his presence with number 5 on my back,” said Cottom sincerely. “That number not only reminds me of him, but it reminds me to play hard because you never know what could happen tomorrow.”

Walter shared her input on Cottom’s change to #5 as a “true honor” to know that her son made such an impact on someone else’s life.

“My youngest son, Cameron changed to #5 in soccer this year as well,” said Walter. “He took his number very seriously, and there is no doubt that she will do the same.”

Walter later added how “appreciative” her family is of the community and the “amazing” families that have reached out to their family.

“Brendan was an awesome kid that made an impact on so many lives that it makes me proud to say that I am his mother,” said Walter.

The Walter family will be giving out two scholarships in May in honor of their son, “B.” They also want everyone to remember to be “Always Happy.”

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